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Oil Coolant Support Customization Used With Oil Immersion Cooling Box Container
SKU: Oil Coolant

This synthetic coolant developed by Fog Hashing Labs is single phase dielectric liquid specially!


This synthetic coolant developed by Fog Hashing Labs is single phase dielectric liquid specially!designed for ASlC mining equipment.Has passed the long term compatibility test withevery single component ofthe mining machine,as well as real running tests.

Safe and


Has passed the long-term compatibility test with every single component of the mining machine.

Designed for long-term usage for more than 5 years.

Special for liquid-cooling mining

The synthetic coolant developed by Fog Hashing Labs is single-phase dielectric liquid specially designed for ASIC miners.



Physical formLiquid
ColorColorless clear
OdorOdorless or faint
Melting/freezing point<-40℃
Boiling point>290℃
Flash point149 ℃  [ASTM D92]
Autoignition temperature>310℃
Heat capacity at 40℃2.08 J/(g·K)
Vapor pressure at20℃<0.013kPa (0.1mmHg)
Water solubilityInsoluble in water
Freezing point-40℃

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